Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tips in Pigeon Bird Control

In  pigeon bird controlling,Pigeon pest are the most high population and are beneficial animals, however, currently the most dangerous pest birds to humans. They are found in cities and rural areas. In the cities, can be seen in parks and plazas where many people enjoy watching them and feeding them, using bridges, buildings, statues, etc.. as roosting areas, resting and nesting. In rural areas live in the backyards of farms, stables, barns, towers, etc.. In general, pigeons are animals that tend to feed, nest and rest in the same places routinely at sites located in upland areas and protected.
First, the pigeons are annoying because they deposit their droppings on buildings, benches, statues, vehicles. This is not only unsightly and smell, also causes permanent stains or premature corrosion and oxidation of some metal structures and other objects. Moreover, their nests can clog water chutes. On the other hand, from the health point of view, pigeons can be carriers of pathogenic organisms and can transmit diseases such as histoplasmosis, ornithosis, salmonellosis and cryptococcosis. They are also hosts several ectoparasites: Cimex columbarius (bug nest of the dove), Argas relexus (tick dove) Pseudolynchia canariensis (dove flies, etc.).
In the control of pigeons is to be considered to feed the pigeons in a form of recreation for some people and that if we could avoid this, it could greatly reduce the problem posed.
They tend and build their nest or they roost in places which they think that is safe and out of reach like ledges, roofs, ceiling, balconies and towers. That is why we need to know were they tend to nest and all the access they got before making our step in pigeon bird control. There are many kinds of bird control in the market which is good and effective but no products are effective if we do not do it right or we do not know the problem pest that we are going to exterminate.

Here are some tips in pigeon bird control and pigeon control products that are very easy to find in our local market. Previous to establish any measure, and should identify the locations of raising, nesting and feeding the problem bird pigeons, it is necessary to know the population level and scope of displacement and it is very important to determine whether modification of environmental and structural factors can help eliminate or control the pigeon population and to find and apply the right pigeon bird control products or bird control devices if necessary. Applying the right products of pigeon controlling in the right pest to control is the best result for success.

To control these pest birds like pigeons you have to reorganization measures aimed at the removal of debris and water sources significantly influence the control of pigeons and even, in some cases, can solve the problem alone. For example, pigeons are often found around outdoor restaurants, fast food restaurants and other food establishments. You can also use bird control spikes to control pigoens. Bird control spikes provides uncomfortable landing to the pest birds like pigeons.The removal of food waste is one of the most effective way to prevent these pest birds. The doves need to drink water daily, will therefore be necessary to eliminate any source of water ( ponds, clogged waterways, etc.). Or make it unfit for pigeons without disturbing the ecological environment. The most effective way to exterminate pigeons away or to control them from buildings, monuments, etc. Is to prevent your access to or use of the structure as a place for nesting, perching or resting.
Access to building entrances should be covered with plastic nets whose characteristics of weight and strength makes them special for birds. Changing the angle of the shelves at angles of 45 ° or more is a form of deterrence for napping on shelves or ledges. Pigeon control devices are designed to affect one or more senses of birds and thus do not find comfort in their resting and raising activities and leave the area. There are four types of pigeon bird control repellents.
Tactile Repellents: These bird control method, can be mechanical (barbed wire, rows of tensioned steel wire, electric fences and water jets) or chemicals (gels, pastes, etc.).. Visual pigeon bird repellents include the use of flashing lights, fake owls, hawks, snakes, balloons, etc.. Not very effective against pigeons in urban and industrial environments because most of the birds get used to the object and ignore it.
Ultrasonic pigeon bird control is also one of the most effective and very efficient in controlling problem pest birds. Sound include loud noises such as alarms, gunshots, recordings of bird voices alarm emitting amplified, and so on. These method in exterminating birds are ineffective against pigeons, as these birds are well adapted to everyday noise in urban areas.
Olfactory Repellents Naphthalene vapor was used as a repellent for birds to be effective naphthalene should be used at high doses because of their irritation is not recommended for use in buildings occupied by people.

Population Reduction
In some countries like the U.S., are approved for certain toxic chemicals in pigeon bird controlling they called it “avicides birds”. The most used is 4-aminopyridine, marketed under the name of Avitrol. This is the chemicals that can exterminate pigeon pest. The Avitrol is used as the toxic bait priming program pigeons.
To carry out a program of pigeon bird control, priming should establish daily patterns of movement of the pigeons, perched between areas, rest and nutrition after selecting the appropriate places of initiation. Once established as points of initiation as their number to proceed to the Pre-Fatten so conditioned to the pigeons to eat at the place, being acceptable to the pigeons pest, to develop the pigeon bird control. Because pigeons are very suspicious, the Pre-Fatten baited with toxic and must be applied at the same time of day and in the same way.
When doing a good fattening program can achieve between 65 to 85% reduction in the colony of pigeons. For the complete eradication should be used complementary programs. The chemosterilants also used as a control of initiation. The female pigeon fed for 10 days with these products are infertile for 6 months. In Spain the only substance approved for the pigeon bird control is anthraquinone, which is used as repellent is toxic bait. In some situations, pigeons can be effectively controlled through trapping. The most suitable places to place these traps are the resting places of pigeons. Successful trapping can be enhanced using traps with Pre-Fatten previously. To run the Pre-Fatten, place baits like corn or millet around and outside the traps, after 3 or 4 days baits are placed inside the traps. To avoid suspicion of cheating, should always be left 4 or 5 doves inside the cage as bait to lure the rest.

Biology of Pest Pigeons

Physical Characteristics
Typically has a gray body with white rabailla
Reproduction and development
The female lays 2 eggs in a nest poorly constructed
Incubation: 17 days from the start of the 2nd egg
The young are sexually mature at 5 months
They reproduced all year except when it is cold, intense
Longevity: 20 years
The couple is linked to death
The young can fly at 4 weeks.
They feed on seeds and scraps of food
They nest anywhere that has a solid support.

Are vectors of paratyphoid fever, ornithosis and others.
Are hosts for parasites such as ticks, mites, bedbugs, lice, etc..
Their droppings foul facades, statues and block gutters
Produce annoying noises.

Having a proper hygienic measures.
Prevent nesting
Fire when allowed

Pigeon Bird Control Methods and Devices
Trap (there are several ways: with nets, cage traps)
Using birds of prey, pigeon bird spikes and ultrasonic pigeon bird devices.